Natural Curiosity National E-Course: Integrating Inquiry and Indigenous Perspectives in Environmental & Sustainability Education (ESE)
Registration for the National E-Course is now closed.
In collaboration with EECOM and the Environmental & Sustainability in Teacher Education (ESE-TE) National Network, Natural Curiosity is excited to launch a new online professional learning opportunity exclusively for preservice and first-year educators (teachers and early childhood educators). This national online course will allow participants to deepen their understanding and pedagogical knowledge and skills within environmental education. This course focuses on integrating inquiry-based learning and bringing an Indigenous lens to teaching.

Meet the Presenters

6 sessions, on the above dates, from 7 to 8:30 pm ET.
2 hours of asynchronous learning per session:
Participants will test new ideas and strategies in their practice between sessions and document this to share as a community. Pedagogical documentation may include text, photos, videos, student quotes or work, links to websites or lesson plans, etc.
Participants will present their Educator Story to the class in the final session.
In order to receive the Certificate of Participation, you must attend all sessions (or review the recording from a missed session), contribute to each pedagogical documentation slide deck, and complete the Educator Story project.
How is the E-Course structured?
All 1.5 hour Zoom sessions are co-led by Natural Curiosity and Indigenous educators
Sessions feature discussions, learning experiences and sharing of relevant resources
$75, which covers 6 sessions ($12.50/session)
includes a PDF version of Natural Curiosity 2nd Edition ($35 value)
Through funding from the Trottier Family Foundation, we are able to provide a 50% subsidy for folks who self-identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or a Person of Colour (subsidies are limited).
Who should participate?
This national E-course is exclusively for preservice teachers and ECEs enrolled in education programs in universities or colleges in Canada and first year educators (teachers and ECEs).
We encourage all other educators to check out Natural Curiosity’s professional learning opportunities that are offered in both English and French.
What will participants learn?
Improved sense of comfort and reciprocity with the Land as co-teacher
Greater confidence with the open-ended nature of inquiry-based learning
Improved understanding of how to evoke curriculum from outdoor experiences
Improved connection to the educational goals within Truth & Reconciliation and the integration of Indigenous perspectives into day-to-day teaching
Improved sense of community and reciprocal learning between educators, students and the Land.
If you wish to chat with a member of the Natural Curiosity team to further discuss program details, please do not hesitate to contact us at